Patient Success Formula

Patients come to us with a wide range of symptoms that affect quality of life. Our goal for each individual is the same—to deliver a unique approach to optometry that builds vision success.

In doing this, we propose a new way of thinking about your vision.

In addition to the importance of seeing clearly and having healthy eyes, every person needs 17 vision skills and visual processing abilities to succeed in our sight-driven world. When just one part of the visual system is not working properly, your vision performance will likely be compromised.

Our mission is to help you overcome vision challenges by developing new vision skills.

So where do you start? We simplify what can be a complex, frustrating, and isolating process. We replace it with one that is clear and results in noticeable improvements in your daily life.

We begin by evaluating your functional vision — how your eyes work together with your brain and body — and seek out the “good” vision in patients who have permanently lost areas of sight.

Our formula for patient success

Our scope of vision care encompasses four key steps: collaborate, evaluate, treat, and follow up.

We prefer to work with referring physicians and professionals to give you the best outcome possible.